Pray every day

March 18 2020

March 18 morning

2681 have prayed

With Jesus in the morning

This morning, Lord, I would like to enter into your fidelity, you who came “not to abolish the Law and the prophets, but to fulfill them” (Matthew 5:17). Which prophet do I know? Isaiah, Jeremiah…What do I know about Moses and his Law? I know that it is about love, in the detail of life, in the radicality of an observance. And you, Jesus, you fulfill the Law towards God and others by your love. May I make this law of love mine today. Our Father…

March 18 morning

March 18 afternoon

810 have prayed

With Jesus during the day

To the Catholics of the Church in China: “You are daily present in my prayer. And I would like to share with you the feelings that live in my heart. These are feelings of thanks to the Lord and sincere admiration – which is the admiration of the whole Catholic Church – for the gift of your fidelity, constancy in trial, confidence rooted in the Providence of God, even when certain events have been particularly unfavorable and difficult.” (Pope Francis) May our prayer support them. Our Father…

March 18 afternoon

March 18 night

334 have prayed

With Jesus in the night

Calm your mind and give thanks to God for this day. Close your eyes and take a moment of silence. Make yourself present and see in your heart all that happened today: people, places, situations, and conversations. What resonates in your heart? What feelings do you have? What moves you? Take note of what you discover and bring it before God. Hail Mary…

March 18 night